"Having portrayed the villainous Lord Voldemort in two previous "Harry Potter" movies, Ralph Fiennes opened up about what he thinks of the pivotal character in the "Harry Potter" franchise. Talking to Variety, the 45-year-old confessed that he initially hesitated about the role, "I hesitated for a bit before committing to the role because it sort of requires you to personify evil, and I don't know how you do that." The actor who has been seen as Voldemort in both "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" and "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" further analyzed the character as a rejected person, envying Harry for being loved. "I latched onto what was maybe crude psychology in working out Voldemort's obsession with Harry. Harry was loved by his parents, which Voldemort can't stand," he explained. "He is, of course, a rejected person. It's quite basic: the rejected child who's emotionally been denied affection turns violent. You have to suggest there's more there, a life, a spirit, a mind. It isn't just a creepy voice and makeup. I always think you can find more in something. It's good to just keep asking questions until someone says cut."
Antonio Tabucchi
2 months ago
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